Tips on maintaining your car- Car maintenance 

No one likes to pay a lot of money on something that they don’t use daily and will ultimately trade-in for a new car model. There are a few things you can do yourself, with just a little time and attention. A car is an investment; when you own a car, own it deeply. And if everything seems much, call the Imphal cab booking service for a rental. 

Changing the oil or rotating tires

Rotating the tires, changing the oil, and cleaning the car are all easy things that you can do to keep the life of your vehicle. Not only will it protect your money in the future, but it’s also a great way to put it in good shape. 


Cleaning inside out


Give the interior of your car a fine cleaning once a month. Give your car shampooing the rug, vacuuming, scrubbing the stains on seats, wiping up spills right away, cleaning the windows, and cleaning the dashboard. If you reside in a cold climate keep a bucket of water and some microfiber cloths for a quick wipe. 


Check fluid levels every month


You should also inspect the levels of car fluids every month, like oil and wiper fluid, and top them up if they’re low. It’s crucial to check your car’s fluid levels every month.


Adding up-to-date fluids is an effortless way to maintain the life of your automobile and avoid costly repairs in the future. By inspecting and topping off your oil levels, for instance, you can help stop the damage to the engine. If for some reason you can’t get it corrected, use a rental car for a while. Call quick cab booking number


Test the brakes and lights


Anything that gets wrong with the brakes and lights can be dangerous. Check the brakes, see if it feels spongy when pressing it. See if the lights are getting dimmer. Show it to a mechanic if something feels wrong. Till then use a rental car by calling Imphal cab booking number


Tire inflation


We all know how tire pressure affects driving. Checking for flat tires is vital. Go to professionals for a tire pressure check. Any imbalance in tires can create issues of a major scale. 


Maintain your car whether you own it or have it on rent. It will make for a better drive and longevity to the car. 


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